Adding to the block list will block all webpages on Instagram including subdomains.
Adding will block that specific page only.
Use * to represent any text. Adding*q=*memes* to the block list will prevent any searches containing the word “memes”.
Adding a domain or URL to the exemption list will exempt it from being blocked.
Phoenix has 11 site categories available as presets to add to the block list. (Social Media, Gambling, Porn, etc.)
Browse to the .exe file and add it to the block list.
Adding a folder to the block list will block all .exe files in that folder. Great for blocking your entire steam or game library all at once.
Set a number of breaks you can take at anytime during block.
Define the duration of the block in hours and minutes.
Locking a block prevents the block from being started and stopped at will. Locking a block will force it to run its entire duration before being disabled.
Modify your YouTube experience to be more focused. DF YouTube hides all YouTube feeds, but still allows you to search and watch specific content.